Our Mission:
Helping at-risk and homeless families with children in Clark County achieve sustainable housing and independence through a compassionate, community-based response.

Teacher and High School Student Volunteer to Read to Our Children

Children creating sand castles out of modeling clay after reading books about Summer Fun and going to the Beach.
For elementary school kids, summer is a time for sleeping in, staying cool, and forgetting how to read. But for some of the children hosted by Family Promise of Las Vegas, summer has provided for some summer reading fun.
This summer we have been offering a reading class to our children at our day center.  The class has been held on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon under the supervision of Clark County School District Teacher, Victoria Norby and a student from Advanced Technology High School.  The classes have engaged our children in selecting books at their grade level, reading together and creating unique art projects to reflect their reading exercise.
Although fun and engaging, recent research has shown that reading to young children is well known to have benefits, including better language skills. MRI scans have shown that the more children are read to, the more brain activity they have in the brain region involved in so-called semantic processing, which is the ability to extract meaning from words.
This summer program headed by Norby is just one of the many ways our volunteers are helping families and having fun too. If you would like to be a volunteer at any capacity for Family PromiseLV, contact us at info@fplv.org.