Our Mission:
Helping at-risk families with children achieve secure housing, financial stability, and long-term independence through a compassionate response.
Become a Friend of Our Family
Help families return to affordable housing and give children a room to call
their own.
As a “Friend of Our Family,” each month your donation will support services to homeless families with children, guiding them back into jobs, housing and independence.
Weekly Groceries for a family of two
How to help:
- Click on the “Donate Now” button
Choose the amount of the gift you would like withdrawn each month
- Select “Set up recurring” as the donation type
- Select “Every Month” as the frequency of your recurring donation
Select the start date for your recurring donation
- Your gift will be automatically withdrawn based on your selected frequency and start date
- You may change or stop your automatic gift at anytime using this same process.
Your gift will make a big difference in the lives of the homeless children
and their families right here in Clark County