Our Mission:
Helping at-risk families with children achieve secure housing, financial stability, and long-term independence through a compassionate response.

Nevada’s Big Give is Back

Nevada’s Big Give and Family Promise of Las Vegas

Nevada’s Big Give is back. On March 12, 2015, 24 hours of online giving will begin and charities from all over Nevada will benefit as a result. Designed by NevadaGIVES, Nevada’s Big Give is a way for you to “give where you live.” Family Promise Las Vegas invites you to be a part of this event; please help support Family Promise Las Vegas!  

NevadaGIVES will be awarding cash prizes to non profits based on dollars raised and number of unique donors. This gives you an extra opportunity to help Family Promise earn more!  Donations must be raised March 12, 2015 between 12:00 am and 11:59 pm. 

It is so easy to give this year. NevadaGives has recruited Razoo.com to collect donations for the big day. Simply point, click, and give. Visit www.nvbiggive.org and search Family Promise or just go to http://nvbiggive.razoo.com/story/Family-PromiseOf-Las-Vegas and click donate. Come and be a part of something big! 

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